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Landlord-Tenant and Real Estate

$115,000 Resolution

$115,000 resolution of back rent and dismissal of lawsuit settlement on behalf of commercial business tenant client during covid-19.

$300,000 Resolution

$300,000 resolution of back rent and dismissal of lawsuit settlement on behalf of commercial business tenant client during covid-19.

$105,000 Settlement

$105,000 settlement on behalf of commercial business client regarding commercial claims of breach of lease, warranty of habitability, and destruction of property.

$400,000 Resolution

$400,000 resolution of back rent settlement on behalf of commercial business tenant client.

$500,000 Resolution

$500,000 resolution of back rent and dismissal of lawsuit settlement on behalf of commercial business tenant client.

$100,000 Resolution

$100,000 resolution of back rent and dismissal of lawsuit settlement on behalf of commercial business tenant client.

$77,000 Settlement

$77,000 settlement residential housing buyout case on behalf of tenant.

$73,000 Settlement

$73,000 settlement in residential eviction defense on behalf of tenant.

$50,000 Resolution

$50,000 resolution of back rent and dismissal of lawsuit settlement on behalf of flower shop owner client.

$50,000 Settlement

$50,000 settlement in wrongful eviction lawsuit filed on behalf of former residential tenant who was evicted by landlord who sought to use sale of property as cause for eviction alleging violations of Hayward Just Cause Eviction Ordinance, breach of contract, negligence, fraud, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, and other associated causes of action.

$10,000 Resolution

$10,000 resolution of back rent and dismissal of lawsuit settlement on behalf of car mechanic shop commercial business tenant client.

$120,000 Settlement

$120,000 settlement in favor of residential tenants in residential habitability lawsuit filed against landlord for violation of implied warranty of habitability, common law breach of habitability, breach of contract, Civil Code 1942.4 retaliation violations, Civil Code 1942.5 violations for failure to repair in response to city code enforcement notices and substandard housing, negligence, fraud, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, and other associated causes of action.

Successful Negotiation

Successful negotiation of notice to quit and eviction lawsuit pre-filing in favor of residential tenant in senior and disabled community housing.

$125,000 Resolution

$125,000 resolution of back rent and dismissal of lawsuit settlement on behalf of commercial business tenant client.

$49,000 Resolution

$49,000 resolution of back rent and dismissal of lawsuit settlement on behalf of commercial business tenant client.

$500,000 Resolution

$500,000 resolution of back rent and dismissal of lawsuit settlement on behalf of commercial business tenant client.

$185,000 Settlement

$185,000 settlement in wrongful eviction lawsuit filed against residential landlord on behalf of Hayward tenant evicted in violation of Hayward Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance, Tenant Harassment Ordinance, and Alameda County Covid-19 Residential Eviction Moratorium.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of Oakland residential landlord in buyout negotiations with tenant resulting in complete vacation of single family home for sale.

$75,000 Resolution

$75,000 resolution of back rent and lease modification settlement on behalf of commercial business Mexican restaurant owner client.

$110,000 Resolution

$110,000 resolution of back rent and dismissal of unlawful detainer and breach of contract lawsuit settlement on behalf of dental whitening store commercial tenant.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of San Francisco residential tenant in buyout negotiations with landlord resulting in $50,000 buyout.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of San Francisco residential tenant in lease and rent modification negotiations with landlord resulting in review and compliance with lease terms regarding maintenance and repair to common areas of premises and tenant’s leased premises.

$45,000 Resolution

$45,000 resolution of back rent, modification of lease terms, and dismissal of unlawful detainer and breach of contract lawsuit settlement on behalf of San Francisco hair spa commercial tenant.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of residential tenants in duplex unit in buyout negotiations with landlord.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of San Francisco art gallery in lease and rent modification negotiations with landlord resulting in reduction of rent and review and compliance with lease terms regarding maintenance and repair to roof of premises and prevention of flood damage to artwork.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of Richmond, CA residential landlord against tenants in unlawful detainer for possession of premises for failure to pay rent resulting in possession of premises.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of San Francisco residential landlord in owner-move-in eviction against tenants in double floor unit.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of commercial landlord against Oakland barbeque restaurant in unlawful detainer for possession of premises, and breach of contract lawsuit against commercial tenant resulting in possession of premises and $85,000 judgment in favor of landlord.

$50,000 Resolution

$50,000 resolution of back rent and lease modification settlement on behalf of commercial business hair salon tenant.

$300,000 Resolution

$300,000 resolution of back rent and lease modification settlement on behalf of commercial business hair salon tenant.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of commercial tenant flower shop owner facing eviction at unlawful detainer trial.

Civil Rights

$17,500 Settlement

$17,500 settlement in americans with disabilities act, fair employment and housing act, and negligence suit on behalf of tenant.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of accused respondent-client in Title IX sexual harassment investigation by California State University resulting in 3 out of 4 charges of misconduct dismissed and favorable employment terms.

$75,000 Settlement

$75,000 settlement of Title IX sexual harassment federal lawsuit filed against major San Francisco private art university.

$200,000 Settlement

$200,000 settlement of police excessive force and search and seizure lawsuit filed against local police department.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of client in appeals regarding sexual violence and harassment immigration status before the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission resulting in successful grant of letter of support for immigration status to client.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of Social Security claimant in appeals before the Social Security Administration regarding trial work period time limits and the continuation of Social Security Disability Benefits resulting in preservation of approximately $225,000 in lifetime benefits.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of accused and restrained party in civil harassment restraining order for stalking resulting in dismissal of order and waiver of attorney’s fees and costs against client.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of accused respondent-client in Title IX sexual harassment and violence investigation by San Francisco Unified School District resulting in dismissal of charges and favorable employment terms.

Estate Litigation, Probate Litigation, and Conservatorships/Elder Law

Successful Advice/Counsel

Successful advice/counsel to client regarding Medi-Cal transfer penalty for transfer of mother’s assets before her application for Medi-Cal resulting in savings of $100,000 in potential healthcare expenses.

Successful Conservatorship Litigation

Successful conservatorship of person and estate planning action on behalf of family member of elderly individual.

Successful Conservatorship Litigation

Successful conservatorship litigation of person on behalf of family member of severely disabled individual resulting in appointment of client as conservator of person for personal care, healthcare, and medical and nursing care decisions, and contract and financial decision making.

Successful Contested Conservatorship Litigation

Successful contested conservatorship litigation of person and estate on behalf of family member of elderly individual resulting in appointment of client as conservator of person for personal care, healthcare, and medical and nursing care decisions, and management of $1 million estate.

Successful Contested Conservatorship Litigation

Successful contested conservatorship litigation of person and estate on behalf of family member of elderly individual resulting in appointment of client as conservator of person for personal care, healthcare, and medical and nursing care decisions, and management of the estate.

Successful Contested Conservatorship Litigation

Successful contested conservatorship litigation of person and estate on behalf of family member of elderly individual resulting in appointment of client as conservator of person for personal care, healthcare, and medical and nursing care decisions, and management of $500,000 estate.

Successful Contested Conservatorship Litigation

Successful contested conservatorship litigation of person and estate on behalf of family member of elderly individual resulting in appointment of client as conservator of person for personal care, healthcare, and medical and nursing care decisions, and management of $1.5 million estate.

Successful Lanterman Petris-Short Act Conservatorship Representation

Successful Lanterman Petris-Short Act conservatorship representation of family members seeking conservatorship over schizophrenic and severely disabled son resulting in appointment of clients as LPS conservators of person for personal care, healthcare, and medical and nursing care decisions, state institutionalization authority, and contract and financial decision making.

Successful Limited Conservatorship Litigation

Successful limited conservatorship litigation of person and estate on behalf of family member of developmentally disabled individual resulting in appointment of client as conservator of person for personal care, healthcare, and medical and nursing care decisions, and of estate for estate management.

Successful Limited Conservatorship Litigation

Successful limited conservatorship litigation of person and estate on behalf of family member of developmentally disabled individual resulting in appointment of client as conservator of person for personal care, healthcare, and medical and nursing care decisions.

Successful Limited Conservatorship Litigation

Successful limited conservatorship litigation of person and estate on behalf of family member of developmentally disabled individual resulting in appointment of client as conservator of person for personal care, healthcare, and medical and nursing care decisions, and of estate for estate management.

Successful Power of Attorney Representation

Successful power of attorney representation of sister seeking removal of brother from mother’s home based on allegations of elder abuse, fraud, and improper transfer of title to $1.3 million home from mother to brother.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of person and estate guardian of minor client resulting in termination of guardianship and distribution of $500,000 in guardianship assets to ward.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of sister in power of attorney litigation seeking removal of defendant from brother’s power of attorney based on allegations of fraudulent procurement of POA resulting in judgment invalidating power of attorney, removing agent, and for costs and attorney’s fees totaling $6000.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of two brothers adult guardianship petitioners resulting in appointment of guardian of person and findings of Special Immigrant Juvenile Status from Superior Court for use in ongoing immigration proceedings.

Successful Representation

Successful representation of adult guardianship petitioner resulting in appointment of guardian of person and findings of Special Immigrant Juvenile Status from Superior Court for use in ongoing immigration proceedings.

Civil Litigation

$15,000 Settlement

$15,000 settlement and waiver of unpaid debt obligation in consumer credit debt lawsuit filed by Wells Fargo Bank against individual.

Settlement and Resolution

Settlement and resolution of partnership business dispute between home landscaping partners resulting in resolution of $100,000 in potential claims against partner client

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